
Why we eloped to Hawaii - and so should you.


So, planning a wedding can be stressful at the best of times. What to wear, who sits next to weird Uncle Dave and where in the world would be best to hold the ceremony?

Being photographers who have shot dozens of weddings ourselves, we’ve  seen how frustrating it can be. We decided to side-step pretty much all of that and found that elopement was The Answer.

Sure, it threw up a few different curveballs for us to handle, but nothing like trying to keep hundreds of guests happy.

We’re adventurers at heart so the net was cast far and wide. Where would be the ultimate place on earth? Somewhere that conjured images of tropical bliss, stunning views and was also good for the logistical side of y’know – tying the knot.


Once the idea took hold, our excitement built into an epic plan that would see us visit 3 islands across the state. A 3 week adventure that was still very personal to us and our goals:

·      Exploring new cultures

·      Expanding our horizons

·      Doing things differently

·      Food (my word… the food!)

·      Amazing landscapes

·      Oh yeah, and getting hitched in a relatively unusual and ‘us’ way.

We chose to exchange vows at a former cowboy ranch at the northern tip of the Big Island, Hawaii. It was a great choice - idyllic surroundings, tropical weather and a sense of doing it our way made the day incredibly special and personal to us.

Before you knew it, we were starting a new journey in more ways than one!

If you’re thinking of eloping, I’d say it works better if you have certain character traits. Be open, be brave, go against the grain. We found that it’s what makes us happiest.

alex charilaou